Like the website that hosts it, this blog is only concerned with using art and brief texts to uncover the bias and other limitations of thought conditioned by memory and tradition, thus also revealing how this largely unacknowledged tribal egotism that affects all human beings creates and sustains the systemic disorder and violence of the world in which we all live.

Without a radical awakening to the immense distance between our mental and social reality and the truth, we are condemned to continue living in the same cruel division, conflict, and sorrow to which we ourselves sustain with our personal memories, thoughts, and desires.

Mid-Summer at Taughanock Creek - Photo Essay - 37

It has been a long time since I last posted a photo essay. I’ve been fully occupied with writing projects, but that has not stopped me from taking photos; I just did not have the time necessary to edit and process them.
The current drought conditions and always impertinent farm run-off have damaged the creek somewhat, but I always feel welcome in its solitude. It has a mysterious way of quieting the mind and sharpening the eye to beauty and the presence of the most unexpected company. Enjoy this early morning walk with me, and please let me know if you want a print of any of the images in these three galleries.

The Beauty and Mystery of Autumn - Photo Essay - 38

The Beauty and Mystery of Autumn - Photo Essay - 38

We Go from One Crisis to Another Without Ever Solving Anything